Your Move (1996)

by Daniel Martinez (b. 1957)
Renee Petropoulis (b. 1954)
Roger White (b. 1952)

Photo Caption: Photo Gloria Lau © 2007 for the Association for Public Art
  • Title

    Your Move

  • Artists

    Daniel Martinez (b. 1957), Renee Petropoulis (b. 1954), Roger White (b. 1952)

  • Year


  • Location

    Deaccessioned and removed; formerly located at Municipal Services Building Plaza, John F. Kennedy Boulevard between 15th and Broad Streets

  • Medium

    Steel, concrete, polyurethane paint, and fiberglass

  • Dimensions

    Height 1'6"–12′; width 1'6"–3’9″; length 4’6″–9′; diameter 4’–10′

Commissioned by the City of Philadelphia, Office of Arts and Culture, Percent for Art Program

Owned by the City of Philadelphia

UPDATE: This artwork was deaccessioned and permanently removed by the City of Philadelphia due to “upcoming renovations to its site, the artwork’s poor condition, and the ongoing expensive costs associated with its maintenance.” Read the announcement.

Giant-sized fiberglass, concrete, and steel versions of checker pieces, chess pieces, dominoes, bingo chips, and board game pieces (including Monopoly and Parcheesi) are scattered all over Philadelphia’s Municipal Services Building Plaza. Artist Roger White said the installation is based on the idea that “games are the mirrors of our paths through life. They symbolize the interaction between people and serve as a point of community, as well as a childhood activity and adult responsibility.”

The sculpture was commissioned by the City of Philadelphia’s Office of Arts and Culture as part of the Percent for Art Program when the Municipal Services Building was renovated. The project was installed in 1996 near Jacques Lipchitz’s Government of the People, across the street from LOVE Park.


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