



by John Rhoden (1918 - 2001)

African American Museum in Philadelphia, 7th and Arch Streets

An official project of the bicentennial celebration, Philadelphia’s Museum of African American history and culture opened to the public in 1976, a few days after the unveiling of John Rhoden’s Nesaika.




by Robert Indiana (1928 - 2018)

15th Street and John F. Kennedy Boulevard

For the bicentennial celebration in 1976, artist Robert Indiana lent the city a large aluminum sculpture of his “love” image. Indiana first produced this design as a painting in 1964.


Government of the People


by Jacques Lipchitz (1891 - 1973)

Municipal Services Building Plaza, Broad Street and John F. Kennedy Boulevard

At first glance, the sculpture appears to be an inverted pyramid of human arms, legs, and torsos, but upon further study, the figures begin to emerge more clearly.


Spanning the Continent


by Robert Laurent (1890 - 1970)

Central Terrace of Ellen Phillips Samuel Memorial (north of Boathouse Row on Kelly Drive)

Robert Laurent’s interpretation of the American migration westward and the first sculpture installed in the Ellen Phillips Samuel Memorial.




by Barbara Grygutis (b. 1946)

Suburban Station courtyard, 16th Street and John F. Kennedy Blvd.

Giuseppe Verdi


by Ettore Ferrari (1845 - 1931)

Horticulture Center grounds (Belmont Avenue and North Horticultural Drive, West Fairmount Park)

A gift of the Italian Colony of Philadelphia in 1907, this was the second monument given by Italian-Americans to the City.


General Nathanael Greene


by Lewis Iselin, Jr. (1913 - 1990)

William M. Reilly Memorial: Revolutionary War Heroes, Terrace northwest of the Philadelphia Museum of Art, at Waterworks Drive

Late in the American Revolutionary he commanded forces in the South that drove the British back toward the coast at Charleston and became known as “the man who saved the South.”


Frank L. Rizzo Monument


by Zenos Frudakis (b. 1951)

Currently in storage

Commissioned by the Frank L. Rizzo Monument Committee, the statue was a gift to the city paid for by contributions from his family, friends, and supporters.


Francisco de Miranda


by Lorenzo Gonzalez (1877 - 1948)

20th Street and the Benjamin Franklin Parkway

Even on a windless day, the cape swirls around this hero of three revolutionary wars.


Gift of the Winds


by Joseph C. Bailey (1937 - 1994)

Garden path next to Faith and Liberty Discovery Center, between 4th and 5th Streets and north of Market Street

In this work, commissioned for the entrance of a bank building as part of the Redevelopment Authority’s 1% program, Bailey wanted to link the geometry of the architecture with the park-like setting of nearby Independence Mall.