
At the Arts and Business Council’s Annual Awards Luncheon on April 29, 2011, the Fairmount Park Art Association received the PNC Arts Alive Award for Arts Innovation in Honor of Peggy Amsterdam – a new award that acknowledges an arts organization that has demonstrated an innovative approach to increasing arts access and engagement.

The Fairmount Park Art Association is one of ten local arts and culture organizations receiving a $75,000 Engage 2020 Innovation Grant, funded by The Wallace Foundation and The Pew Charitable Trusts, and managed by The Greater Philadelphia Cultural Alliance (GPCA) and The Philadelphia Foundation.

Arborists to the rescue! Tree care experts Shechtman Tree Care, LLC greatly improved the environment around Pavilion in the Trees, located in Landsdowne Glen, behind the Horticulture Center in West Fairmount Park.

By fall, the seven-acre park at 71st Street and Buist Avenue will be transformed into a place that pays tribute to the contributions of organized labor nationwide.