The Labor Monument: Philadelphia’s Tribute to the American Worker by artist John Kindness was featured in the Labor Day edition of The Philadelphia Inquirer. The Labor Monument was commissioned through the Fairmount Park Art Association’s New·Land·Marks program for southwest Philadelphia’s Elmwood Park.

The article highlighted the work that has been done by the Friends of Elmwood Park and the labor community and the additional $70,000 that must be raised before ground can be broken.
Organizer Cathy Brady is quoted as saying “As a union worker it is really important that this generation and generations come to understand that there is no progress without struggle. What we’re trying to do with this monument is make a lasting impression, especially on the next generation.”
Click here to read the article on the Inquirer’s website.
Give to The Labor Monument: To make a tax-deductible donation to the project, please contact Jenn Richards, Development Manager at 215.546.7550 or
Checks can be made to FPAA and mailed to:
Fairmount Park Art Association
Attn: The Labor Monument
1616 Walnut Street, Suite 2012
Philadelphia, PA 19103