Staff and Board


Charlotte Cohen, Executive Director
Laura S. Griffith, Deputy Director
Kathie Jiang, Program Coordinator
Ashley Lippolis, Communications Associate
Susan Myers, Assistant Curator & Project Manager
Julia Perciasepe, Marketing and Communications Manager
Jessica Ragusa, Development Manager
Natasha Zeta, Administrative Services Manager



Jennifer I. Rodriguez, President
Barbara B. Aronson, Vice President
Eugene Lefevre, Treasurer
Suzanne Sheehan Becker, Secretary
Francesca Ammon 
Darwin Beauvais

Kenneth Finkel
Antonio Fiol-Silva, FAIA, LEED AP
Alan Greenberger, FAIA
Feather Houstoun

William D. McCall
Pepón Osorio
Patricia C. Phillips
Sasha Suda
, PhD

Susan K. Weiler, FASLA